Music Theory Level 4

MusoLearn Music Theory Level 4 takes your child’s music theory to the next level, covering advanced harmony, cadences, modulations, melody writing, and more. Perfect for students aiming for AMEB, ABRSM, or Trinity exams.


MusoLearn by MusoHunt



What you will learn

Major scales up to six sharps and six flats, Minor scales up to four sharps and five flats

Cadences: Imperfect cadences, Interrupted cadences

Alto clef, chromatic/diatonic semitones, double sharps/flats

Augmented and diminished Intervals and Inversions

Simple and Compound time

Syncopation and Hemiola


Harmonisation using first inversion triads

Melody writing

Baroque suite movements, String Instruments General Knowledge

Musical Terminology


Course content

Course Description

MusoLearn Music Theory Level 4 is designed for students who have mastered the fundamentals of music theory and are ready to tackle more complex concepts. This course dives into advanced harmony (including first inversion triads, harmonic extensions), cadences (imperfect and interrupted), and modulations (moving to relative minors or dominant keys).

Students will also explore melody writing, learning to compose an 8-bar melody to a given rhythm and set verses to music. Additional topics like syncopation, hemiola, and Baroque dance suites are covered in-depth to expand musical understanding. While this course is not officially endorsed by the exam boards, this course prepares students for AMEB, ABRSM, and Trinity exams, aligning closely with their syllabuses.

With a focus on 4-part harmony, chromaticism, and historical context, it offers comprehensive training with interactive lessons, quizzes, and teacher chat support to guide students at every step. Students will also benefit from worksheets, transposition practice, and musical terminology quizzes to deepen their knowledge and understanding.

By the end of this course, your child will be equipped with the skills to excel in higher-level music theory exams, and be one step closer to mastering music theory! 🎶


  • A$39.95/month

3 days free trial + 14 days money back guarantee

This Course Includes

  • 8 Quizzes

  • Direct chat access to teachers